Artificial Intelligence: Promises, Challenges, and the Bubble

 “A COMPUTER CAN NEVER BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE THEREFORE A COMPUTER MUST NEVER MAKE A MANAGEMENT DECISION“IBM slide from 1979 Revisiting the topic of AI, which I previously discussed in the article “Between the Promise and the Danger of AI,” I would like to add some important recent developments. Challenges and Problems in the AI Industry Artificial intelligence has been the target […]

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Enhancing Apache Security: Automating DoS Attack Mitigation with Python

I’ve always been fascinated by the resilience and vulnerabilities of web servers. Recently, my Apache server experienced unexpected downtime. This incident propelled me into a deep dive into server logs and security measures. Here’s a breakdown of what happened, how I identified the issue, and the steps I took to prevent future occurrences. The Discovery of the Problem It started […]

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The Cloud Illusion: How Are Companies Reevaluating Cloud Infrastructure?

From the beginning, I was always reticent about the idea of cloud computing. Throw all your independence and security into the hands of third parties? You basically lose control of what’s yours. This concern is not unfounded, especially when we look at the banking sector, which has traditionally been cautious in its adoption of cloud technology. The vast majority of […]

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CDE on Ubuntu 20

How is this even possible? A 1993 desktop still running on a 2020 machine?“Nostalgia took over us.” So, lets go… For those unfamiliar, the CDE (Common Desktop Environment) is a desktop environment for UNIX. It was part of UNIX and has long been the “classic” desktop associated with commercial UNIX workstations. Originally HP, IBM, SunSoft and USL announced CDE in […]

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Xboard e GNUChess no AIX (Xadrez)

Passo a passo para instalar o XBoard e GNUChess no AIX. PS: GNUChess é dependencia para instalação do XBoard. Faça download do package: xboard-4.2.6-1.aix4.3.ppc.rpm e gnuchess-4.0.pl80-1.aix4.3.ppc.rpm Caso não tenha o wget instalado faça instalação pelo yum: (Caso não tenha o yum, siga este tutorial) Uma vez com o pacote já feito download: Faça instalação do pacote RPM: Se estiver dentro […]

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